Spiritual Evolution and Romance in the 21st Century

By Psychicillumination @psychicdad

“Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Human beings are a combination of physical and spiritual aspects, most notably the body and the soul. Even though organic evolution gets more attention then the evolution of  consciousness, the latter is by far, more important.

In our modern, slick, technological society, we often fall prey to materialistic and overly intellectual arguments about the origin of human beings on the planet. For you see, how we came to be figures into our concept of how we are evolving and growing. The two are inextricably linked together.

Both modern science and religion attempt to answer the age old questions of: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Both, in my view, fall short in adequate answers. From these basic philosophical concepts arise our foundation for how we relate to each other. 

If we are just big headed animals, we merely struggle to survive. If we are angels descended from on high, and the physical world doesn’t really count, then we might as well just enjoy the short ride while it lasts.

Again, I believe the overly materialistic and the overly spiritual approach both fail us. We are a combination of these physical and spiritual energies and must respect the necessary balance between these aspects if we are to survive, thrive and evolve.

Very few people ever ask themselves if they are evolving, growing and becoming a better person; a better man, a better woman, lover, husband, father, wife or mother. And yet our spiritual evolution to a broad degree, guides our physical growth and satisfaction.

Are you a better person now, then you were a year ago? Five years ago?

If you believe as I do, that human beings are here on the planet for a purposeand your are growing and improving, then you will also have more to give to your lover. Who does not like to be around a delightful, entertaining and engaging person?

Do you participate in productive, wholesome activities? Do you fill your mind with good books and uplifting movies? Or do you allow anyone screaming loud and long to dump garbage into your mind at random? Do you exercise, spend time in nature and meditate upon the great problems of life or do you give negative, fatalistic philosophies sway in your heart? 

How can you attract an amazing person into your life unless you too, become an amazing person? And please don’t mistake that as a “always think positive” mantra. Even amazing people get down every now and then.

Most of my customers are ladies asking about romantic situations. This is perfectly understandable since ladies, generally speaking, are more relationship-oriented than we task-oriented men. So I think it goes without saying, that you shouldn’t be focusing on books, movies or other material that gives you a hopeless, bleak view of love, romance and relationships.

Despite 40 years of gender-bending by social engineers and having androgyny forced down our throats, most women still want love, romance, flowers and marriage; or at the very least, a committed relationship.

There are good men out there, just as there are good women. Granted, good people of both genders are rare, but they are out there. Just remember to spend some time with yourself on your own spiritual evolution while you’re waiting for him.