Spirits Up....I Forgot the Eggplant

By Mspositivity @Ms__Positivity
Good Monday morning Shiners and Shinettes.  The weekend seems to go by so fast, but never the less; we are here to start another great week.
Well, I know you must be wondering what the heck is this post about!?  Well, this post is about forgetting the eggplant.  I totally, understand that you may not like eggplant but it’s a silly story behind it and a walk through trials that lead up to this title.
I had plans this weekend and many of them fell through, well shoot, all of them did.  I know many of you can relate, when you plan to do something and then all of a sudden BAM, you’re not going anywhere.  Well that was me this weekend.  I had two things that I wanted to do, I wanted to support a friend, and I was supposed to go to the movies but I was not able to because while doing laundry, my dryer decided to just stop working.  Sooooo, as I sat there with one load of clothes in the washer wet, I had another load in the dryer wet.  Great!  One event out the window and the movie ordeal went just as fast, because the money that I put aside for that also went to the Laundromat to dry the clothes. 
While, I lugged 4 loads to the Laundromat, I said guess I will go to the market while the clothes dry and get the odds and ends that I need to cook dinner for the upcoming weeks.  Now this is where it gets interesting.  My kiddos and I head to the market; I had my cart all ready to go.  Had my good-good list and they had many sales going on so I was happy!  I said” oh let me not forget my eggplant so I can make eggplant Parmesan” I got the sauce, I grabbed, the cheese.  We enter the produce area and there it was the eggplant.  I’m hype now because, at least I can eat something that I want since I can’t venture out like I planned to.  I was focused, I grabbed 2 and asked my son to give me one of those plastic bags so that I can bag them and put them on the cart.  He gave me the bag, and I was on my way.  Yes!!! I’m now chanting “I’m gonna make me some eggplant gonna have me some eggplant!”  (Yes…I do these things and my kiddos just look at me crazy) bit HEY I was trying to perk myself up because I was feeling a bit low from the turn of events. 
We needed to adjust the cart so somewhere in here this is where I lost the eggplant!  Yes lost!  We adjusted the cart, grabbed the rest of the items on the list, and headed to the register.  Ahhhhh, the young-lady rang up our items, and off we go back home to unload them before going back to the Laundromat to get the clothes.  OK, unloaded the food, and in seconds I’m on my way back to get the clothes and get back home, because , my mind is all on the eggplant that I can’t wait to have!  Bagged the clothes up and walked back home.
After that, I just plopped down on the couch to catch my breath.  Looked at the clock, ok now its 7pm, gotta cook and hereeeeee we go!
Me: Bell (what I call my daughter) where did you put the eggplantBell: Mom you didn’t get itMe: Ummmm yeah I did, I bagged it up.Me: We stood there having an entire convo about why I was making it etc. Bell: Oh I know that mom, but-wait I’m telling you that you didn’t get it! Bell: The girl never rang it upMe: How is that?? It was in the cartBell: No mom…look at the receipt. Me: Scanning receiptBell: See told you it’s not on there! Me: Ugghhhh “This is stupid” (One of my fav sayings these days) Me: Well I have no idea where….!  When I adjusted the cart, I left the eggplant in the hoagie area! GRRRRRRRRRR! Me: Well dang, no event, no movie and no freaking eggplant! Me: Well…There is a bright side to all of this!Bell: What’s that mom?Me: We have clean and dry clothes….Me: But I sooo really wanted to have that yummy eggplant which is in the dang it hoagie aisle. However, I take the good with the bad and still I smile! Me: Breakout the hoagies, I’m hungry! J
Have you ever had a day like this where everything that could go wrong did but you found the bright side and pressed on!?? I would love to hear about it! 
Have a great week guys! #ShineOn

 Ms. Positivity