Spirit of the Nazis Masquerading as Art

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

“Body Worlds” Exhibition:
Josef Mengele would be proud

Such desecration of the human body for entertainment has never happened in my lifetime until now.

In the past year, my wife and I began noticing billboards and TV ads promoting a traveling exhibit called, “Body Worlds.” Our first reaction, on recognizing that the “sculptures” on display were actual human corpses cut open and reshaped into humorous poses, was to wonder how anyone could do such a thing in the name of art. Second question was, “How could anyone view this as entertainment?” And third was, “What kind of coarsening of the culture’s conscience will result?”

As an artist, it is nothing new for me to hear the excuses offered by promoters for outrageously offensive exhibits. One work of “art” by Andres Serrano, “Piss Chr**t,” comes to mind. I am very uncomfortable even mentioning the title of this blasphemy, but desire to make my point.

This new exhibit at Boston’s Faneuil Hall has been accepted without a peep of protest. Although it is not a blasphemy against God, it is a blasphemy against His creation, a desecration of something made in the image of God. My personal opinion is that this is of satanic origin.

Keep in mind, this is not the same thing as the study of the human body by doctors, scientists and medical students. It is a show!

When a people can look on with ease at such macabre spectacles, what atrocities might later be possible that would otherwise have never happened?

I have cited below, excerpts of 2 articles that raise similar objections to this traveling show. ~ TD

Human body holding up his own removed skin.

ABC NEWS: Exhibition of Human Corpses Sparks Furor

by Leela Jacinto

He’s been compared to Dr. Frankenstein and Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, but Prof. Gunther von Hagens sees himself in a more Renaissance role; a sort of latter-day Leonardo da Vinci in anatomy study.

But when his latest exhibition, “Koerpewelten” or “Body Worlds” opened in Berlin last month, a number of residents, including Germany’s Roman Catholic Church, saw nothing renaissance in his work. They simply found it sick, sinful and macabre.

It’s easy to see why visitors might find von Hagens’ work offensive. His exhibits include a man contemplating a chessboard as he sits at a table with his brains exposed. Another piece depicts a standing man, muscles and tissues bared, cavalierly holding his skin aloft. Other works include a pregnant woman with her belly peeled to expose a curled fetus

Read the article at http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=81329

‘Bodies Revealed’ exhibit is a desecration of the human body

Editor’s note: The following essay is a portion of a sermon Rabbi David Krishef gave recently at Congregation Ahavas Israel in Grand Rapids.

by Rabbi David Krishef

Plastination, the process of removing the fluids from a body and replacing them with liquid polymer, was invented by a 64-year-old German medical pathologist named Gunther von Hagens. This month, the Grand Rapids Public Museum opened an exhibit of plastinated bodies called “Bodies Revealed.”

Rabbi David Krishef

Von Hagens created the process to preserve cadavers for medical schools, but he soon found it more lucrative to exhibit the bodies and charge admission. To bring in crowds, he skinned, sliced and posed the corpses, billing them as art. Among his displays was a man carrying his own skin over his shoulder; another featured a man kneeling in prayer, his heart literally in his hands.

His show, “Body Worlds,” created using donated cadavers, has attracted more than 26 million people over the past decade and has taken in over $200 million…

Read the whole article at http://www.mlive.com/living/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2010/11/rabbi_david_krishef_bodies_rev.html

We live in a dangerous time. 
Be careful for your soul.