Yesterday the large water tank was lowered carefully into the huge hole by the fence and settled on it's bed of just delivered concrete. As the concrete started to slowly set the tank had to be weighed down by half filling it with water. It really is the only way to do it, as it settled down in the hole bedding itself into the concrete it sat on more fresh concrete could be poured around it.
After having the outdoor tap with the hosepipe attached running from 9,30am until 4pm, it was just about full enough. As it's a storage tank that hold 8,000 litres of water I'm glad our water meter is situated out on the main road so I couldn't go and watch as those precious pennies ticked over.
The most infuriating thing was that for the entire time the water poured from the tap to the tank the rain was torrential, if only we had had a giant funnel to stick in the top hole and catch some of it.
Oh well, it will be usable water once the electric pump is attached and we can actually get at it.
While the water flowed outside the house, inside I kept myself busy sorting through the food cupboards, making a pile of food to take to the food bank and some that just had to go in the bin as it was out of date. While they were empty I gave them all a good clean with my homemade cleaner.
I got the recipe from Elaine at Mortgage Free in Three.
I decided to write the ingredients on the bottle so it's handy for when I need to make up the next batch. It works a treat and the vinegary smell soon vanishes, leaving everything squeaky clean and lovely and fresh.
It's simply:
2 fl oz Washing Up Liquid 4 fl oz bottled Lemon Juice 8 fl oz White Vinegar and 10fl oz Water
Just mix together in a jug and then pour into a spray bottle.
So much healthier to use around the house than buying a bottle of commercial stuff that's full of nasty chemicals and artificial whiffs.
Sue xx