Spinach Curbs Cravings For Sweets?

Posted on the 16 April 2016 by Dave Nevue

Is there a way to control your appetite? According to the results of Swedish scientists spinach curbs cravings for sweets and junk food. We have known for a long time that veggies are good for you and spinach in particular since it is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and iron. But did you also know it can be good for people who are struggling to lose weight, and, or have a hard time resisting sweets and junk food?

The magic in the spinach is called thylakoids. For many years the Swedish professor Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson has studied the intestinal's impact on the ability to control the appetite. Apparently the intestinal is producing satiety hormones and the Swedish scientist wanted to find something that could better release this hormone. That's when she found thylakoids that exist naturally in green leaves.

The thylakoids can slow down the digestion and at the same time release hormones that signal to the brain that you are full. This will help you eat less. In addition it is claimed to help control your eating which is especially good for those who have a hard time resisting cravings for sweets and junk food. But it's hardly helpful if you eat spinach as it is, since it doesn't contain enough thylakoids to actually work. Professor Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson has together with her husband developed a spinach extract which contains enough thylakoids to actually have an impact on a person's appetite. I think this is really interesting! !? I want to try it! You can read more about the study in this Daily Mail Article.

//Nicole Hellgren