Spike Lee Urges Female College Students to Go on a “sex Strike” to Stop Date Rape

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Conceal carry would be my preferred action to stop any rape or sexual assault. But that just me :)

Would you take advice from a man wearing this t-shirt?

Spike Lee has a brilliant solution to solve college campus sexual assaults: female students across the country should stage a ‘sex strike’ in a bid to stop sexual harassment on campus. He believes there is an abundance of sexual assaults and rapes on campus and says that women should take action to stop it.

Say anything to promote your movie…

The Daily Mail reports that Lee made these comments while appearing on the Stephen Colbert show to promote his new film “Chi-Raq“. Lee said, “I think a sex strike could really work on college campuses where there’s an abundance of sexual harassments or date rapes.”

Lee went on to say, “Once people coming back from Christmas and some stuff jumps off, there’s going to be sex strikes in universities and college campuses across this country.”

Lee’s movie idea isn’t even original: The film is based on Lysistrata, a Greek comedy play in which various women withhold physical affection from their husbands as punishment for fighting in war. Lee’s movie stars Samuel L. Jackson, Wesley Snipes and Nick Cannon. It follows four women who try and fight gun crime by refusing sex.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel isn’t happy with the title of the movie (truth hurts, I guess).  Emanuel said, ” I was clear that I was not happy about the title. I told him also that there are very good people that live in Englewood who are raising their family and there’s a lot of positive things that are happening in Englewood mainly driven by the people that make up Englewood.”

And even though Chicago has some of the strictest gun regulations in the United States, Spike Lee has another brilliant solution to the gun violence in Chiraq:

Great concept Spike! I’m sure all the criminals will be lining up to register their guns!