Spider Rock, Canyon De Chelly, Arizona

By Juliemagerssoulen

Spider Rock. I kept hearing about this place in Canyon de Chelly and could not visualize what a spider rock would look like. When we arrived at the pull out and I took in the view I got it. You have to be a spider to climb that rock! 
We arrived in the late morning and the lighting was not optimal but I shot anyway. The bottom photo is actually two shots "stitched" together to get a wider view. I knew I had to come back when the sun was getting low and capture that beautiful towering red rock at sunset. The first picture is just that. I hope you like my two examples of Spider Rock. 
 I would love to hear which one you like and why. Thanks for stopping by! 

Spider Rock Evening  Southwestern canyon photo, of the beautiful red sandstone towers at Canyon de Chelly in northeastern Arizona on a perfect evening. A great way to add the beauty of the southwest to your home, office, or bedroom decor. Canyon de Chelly, Arizona purchase information 

Spider Rock Morning Southwestern canyon photo, of the beautiful red sandstone towers at Canyon de Chelly in northeastern Arizona on a perfect morning. A great way to add the beauty of the southwest to your home, office, or bedroom decor. Canyon de Chelly, Arizona purchase information