Spicy Shrimp and Warm Corn and Tomato Salad (Thank You to Farrah Abraham’s Dad for the Marinade Sauce)

By Slowdownandsavor

A few days ago, I posted about this amazing sauce that I was gifted with by Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham‘s father, Mike Abraham, after a long day of shooting on set for a new Food Network show. In the post, I talked about how absolutely amazing the sauce tasted, how beautiful and vibrant it looked and how mind blowingly beautiful it smelled. I talked about how I wanted more of it always, and how it’s spicy as the dickens, but in the best way possible.

Well, I decided to stop dipping my chips into it, and actually use this stuff for what it’s meant for: to cook with. I decided to marinate a pound of jumbo shrimp in the stuff, and I knew it was going to be amazing. It had to be.

I decided to prepare some warm corn and tomato salad to go with the spicy shrimp, thinking the sweetness and the crunch from the veggies would pair perfectly, and as it turns out, I was right.

As I cooked, the smells of heaven infiltrated our home, and my two boys wandered into the kitchen exclaiming, “That smells so GOOD!” No matter how lousy or amazing a day has been, to hear that the meal you’re preparing for their tummies smells good, and is whetting their appetites and peaking their interests, I can’t help but become enormously happy.

So, how’d it taste? Incredible. Even my little one said that this shrimp was the best he’s had. I had to agree. I somehow managed to perfectly cook the little buggers, and the corn salad was tender yet still a bit toothsome.

I will obviously be making this again, and I obviously need to get another jar of the stuff. I may go into withdrawals without it. You can find it at the Mom&Me website store, as well as at iBurn.com, a Houston-based hot sauce store, and your source for all things spicy.

Mom&Me Spicy Shrimp || Warm Corn & Tomato Salad2014-05-14 09:50:55 This spicy shrimp and warm corn and tomato salad were made to be eaten together. The shrimp is super flavorful and the warming spice is sensational. I have a new favorite dish.Write a reviewSave RecipePrintFor the Shrimp
  1. 1 pound of jumbo shrimp
  2. 1 jar of Mom&Me Italian Hot Pepper Sauce ($10 a jar at iBurn.com)
  3. 1-3 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
  4. A squeeze of fresh lemon (or lime if you can get your hands on one)
For the Corn & Tomato Salad
  1. 3 ears of corn
  2. 7-10 cherry tomatoes
  3. 1.5 tbsp butter
  4. salt & pepper to taste
  5. 1-2 cloves garlic, sliced/chopped
  6. 1 tbsp ground cumin
  7. 1-3 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
  8. A squeeze of fresh lemon (or lime if you can get your hands on one)
For the Shrimp
  1. Peel, clean, rinse and dry your shrimp.
  2. Put them in a glass container and cover with the sauce. 3/4 of the jar or even the whole jar will do.
  3. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for about an hour or so. Stir the shrimp around in the sauce from time to time to ensure each one has been coated nicely.
  4. When you're getting ready to cook, take the shrimp out of the fridge, and uncover. Stir.
For the Corn
  1. Get your corn husked and slice the kernels off, into a bowl. They may go flying, and I've found it easier to actually cut the kernels off inside the bowl rather than on a cutting board.
  2. Chop or slice your garlic, and add to the bowl.
  3. Sprinkle in desired salt and pepper, and the cumin. Stir.
  4. Heat the butter in a flat-bottomed skillet (med), and add the corn. Stir.
  5. When the corn is getting tender, add the tomatoes and cilantro. Stir.
  6. When ready serve, squeeze some lemon over the top and stir.
Back to the shrimp
  1. Place all the shrimp either on a grill or on a pre-heated flat non-stick pan. Cook on each side for about 5 minutes, or until opaque. Careful to overcook - they'll get all rubbery and shriveled up.
  2. Garnish with some fresh cilantro and fresh squeezed lemon.
By Katie OgletreeSlow Down and Savor http://www.slowdownandsavorblog.com/