Spicy Capsicum Egg | Egg Recipe

By Subha Bose
Today's recipe is spicy capsicum egg it's a quick and easy to make recipe. It is a fusion of Indian burji and Chinese cuisine, this is my husband's recipe. It can be served as an appetizer or along with fried rice.

Ingredients :
Egg- 3 (beaten)
Onion - 1(cut length wise)
Green chili - 2 (slit)
Capsicum - 1/2 (cut length wise
Garlic pods - 3 (finely chopped)
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Soy sauce - 1 tsp
Oil- 3tbsp
Salt - To taste
Ajinomoto - Pinch

Method :
1. Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan, add the beaten egg and scramble it to large soft pieces and keep it separately.

2. Now add remaining oil to the pan, once the oil is hot add slit green chili and allow it to sputter. (close the pan with a lid after adding chilli it as it sputters a lot)

3. Then add onion and cook until it's translucent

4. Add ginger garlic paste and cook until raw smell leaves

5. Add finely chopped garlic pods and saute it for a couple of minutes.

6. Then add capsicum and saute it until they are half cooked.

7. Now add soy sauce, ajinomoto and give it a quick stir.

8. Add the scrambled egg saute it well and transfer it to the serving dish once it is done. Otherwise egg will become over cooked and rubbery.