Spiced Eggs

By Greengirl @GrinGarl

I read a lot of blogs, and not just about American cuisine but also about Asian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and South American. I was also looking for some African cuisine blogs, but could not find any, if you know some leave a link please, I'd love to read and learn more about their cuisine. The idea of today's dish was taken from an Indian blog (I think). I don't remember which one, sorry, but I kept in mind how to spice up some eggs. Today I was in a rush to make lunch and hubby said he's like some rice. Hmm, simple rice didn't trigger my appetite but adding some spiced eggs to it sounded much better.
I'm not going to write the recipe at the end as usual since it's up to you which ones and how much spices you'd like to add.
In my version I used some fresh ginger, garlic, garam masala and some chili powder. I remember that the recipe I got the idea from was using fenugreek leaves. The combinations are endless and it depends on how much heat you can take.
Let's turn the stove on and make some spiced eggs

In a medium pot boil 4-6 eggs. Meanwhile finely chop 1-2 onions, 1-2 garlic cloves, some fresh ginger

In heavy based pan heat some oil or ghee. Add the onions, garlic and ginger. Also add the spices - I used 1 tsp garam masala, 1/2 tsp chili powder and 1 tsp salt. Since we added our daughter to the table (and left the baby food aside) I had to cut a little on the spices but if it is up to me I'd have increased the amount of chili powder

When the onion starts to soften add 1 can diced tomatoes. My advice would be to use petite/small diced ones. Mine were cut in big chunks. 

Simmer for about 7-8 minutes stirring from time to time. Add the eggs, peeled, and cook for further 2-3 minutes. 

Turn off the stove and add some fresh herbs. I had just fresh parsley but some fresh coriander would have fit in perfectly. 

We served it over rice, but I think it works well with other grains too and even with some pasta

Or you can mix the spicy tomato sauce with the rice and break the egg on top 

Thanks for your visit, hope you'll have a wonderful weekend. As usual, Roxana
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