Spending Too Much for Food?
If you are anything like the typical consumer, then you spend way too much money on food. Between going out to eat for lunch and dinner, buying snacks out of the vending machine, your daily coffee and your bedtime snack, you spend a load of money feeding yourself, and most of the time it is not even healthy food. Why not eat healthier, save money, and use that money for something that will last longer than your next meal? Here are some tips for saving money on food.
1. Cut it out – A little here and there adds up to a lot. Whether it is money or calories, just a little at a time can suck you dry. Cut out unnecessary expenses. Instead of buying coffee at the pricy place on your way to work, save money and time and make your own at home. Bring snacks like yoghurt and fresh fruit to work with you, saving money and calories off that package of cheese crackers or candy bar. Not only will eating a healthy snack save you money and calories, but it will also help your brain to work better, longer. That’s a definite plus, right?
2. Plan ahead – Do not go to the store without planning. I know you think it is better to either buy pre-packaged foods or just stop at the store to get what you need for the day, but you never just get one thing at the store. Save money by only visiting the store the bare minimum and planning a couple days ahead what the meals will be and what is on sale at the time. You can save hundreds a month just doing this.
3. E.A.T. – Eat it Again Tomorrow. Taking leftovers to lunch can sound gross the night before, but I think you’ll find it tasty by the time lunch rolls around. This will save you a lot of money if you do not have to go out for lunch every day. A bottle of water and a microwaved bowl of leftovers will also keep you more focused and alert than a heavy, greasy hamburger and fries. You can extend this further by making double recipes of your dinners and freezing half. Later on you can pop it in the oven and you have an instant tasty and healthy meal that is much more filling than Chinese delivery.
4. Experiment – If you think you have to eat out all the time because you can’t cook, then think again. Almost anyone can cook even gourmet meals. All it takes are the ingredients, a good recipe, and a little time. If you are really trepidatious, invite a friend that loves to cook over to help. You will have fun learning and creating something tasty together. There are even online tutorials and videos for the amateur chef, so anyone can cook. Take a look online for healthy, easy and delicious recipes and try your hand at them. You may find you are better at it than you thought you would be.
If saving money on food sounds like a good idea to you, then please try these four tips. You do not have to be a coupon clipper or hoarder to get good deals. You also do not have to be Wolfgang Puck to make great, healthy meals. Hopefully by following these tips, you can live a healthier, tastier and wealthier life.
Guest Author Bio
This Guest post is by Christine Kane, a graduate of Communication and Journalism. She enjoys writing about a wide-variety of subjects including internet service for different blogs. She can be reached via email at: Christi.Kane00@gmail.com
Photo Credit: The Kitchn, Kenteegardin via Flickr