Special Needs Ryan Gosling {A Very Odd Dude}
By Thibben
Once again it's Friday & time for Sunday Stilwell's Special Needs Ryan Gosling over at Adventures In Extreme Parenthood! If you have no clue what I'm talking about click over to her site to see what it's all about as well as check out all the other special needs blogger who link up with their own funny memes every week.
If you are a follower here at my blog (if not, why not!?! click over at the sidebar to Follow) or on my facebook & twitter you know I turned...gulp...30 on Monday the 16th! This week has been pretty rough since then. Not really rough because of any one thing, I think we are in a funk as a family! I know we can't be the only ones that happens to. SO, in order to not only pull myself out of said fUnK I am making some changes; trying to do the things I say I'm going to do, stop putting things off, work harder at our business, & of course blog more!! I think, though its taken me 30 years to make this realization, I have a "Someday" mentality. "I'm going to do that someday." "We are going to do that with the boys someday" I'm freakin' 30 years old, someday is very close to being yesterday if you don't get up off your butt & start doing instead of talking!! So that's what I'm going to try to do. No promises, especially if my wife is reading this post, but I am going to try!