Special Announcement | Feature in Rochester’s City Newspaper

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

Dear Readers,

When I started this teeny tiny webspace in late fall 2012 little did I know the eclectic and life hanging journey that it would put me on. Four years later and this blog and space has grown in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Today, my original mission; that of making gluten free living and simple accessible for all remains unchanged. Mainly my means and method of sharing this mission remains unchanged as well; however over time I’ve added additional methods to my arsenal and repetoire namely; The Rochester Gluten Free Guide, and now the brick and mortar space space 540WMain (dedicated in June 2016) that carries the mission of educating, enlightening, and of course cooking and baking holistically well gluten free for the masses.

It’s for these reasons that I am simply thrilled, honored, and over the moon to share my latest media feature in the City of Rochester’s City Newspaper.

I am thrilled, honored, and over the moon to share with you my latest media feature in the Rochester City Newspaper.

The article written by James Joseph (photographed by Mark Chamberlin) and entitled, Gluten Free Chef’ Calvin Eaton takes on Main Street Mission perfectly highlights the organic trajectory of theglutenfreechefblog and my current mission of educating and serving the beautiful city of Rochester and the National Register Susan B. Anthony District.

I do not have enough words to express my gratitude to City Newspaper for crafting such a amazing narrative and “telling my story” in a clear and meaningful way. If you’ve been a member of this online community for some time, then you know that I simply adore this website, your readership, and no matter where “we go” I never forget where the journey began. I’m just a mere man. A man with a blog and a dream.

As I’ve shared in the previous post, I will never forget “where it all began.” Every single day I think about how to continue to enlighten, educate, and share gluten free stories with you all for years to come whether online, in print or in person at 540WMain. This work. My work. Our work has always been and will always be powered by theglutenfreechefblog. Thank you for helping me stay the course.

As always be sure to LIKE. LOVE. and Share the article by clicking the image below and being sure to read the latest issue of Rochester City Newspaper online or in print.

Be Well,


Photo credit: Mark Chamberlin (cover)