Sparking the Romance

By Nancy Bell @nancyfancyfree

This next week is one of the busiest out of the entire year at the floral shop because of Valentine’s Day. Although it is very busy, I love it so much. There is so much love and beauty in the air it is hard not to be romantic. I will have to work on Valentine’s Day so my husband and I decided to celebrate our love this weekend. I didn’t want to do anything extravagant, just spend time together, and that is just what we did :)

Yesterday we spent all day walking around town and to the beach. It was so great being active and romantic with the love of my life. When we got home we sat outside and enjoyed the sunset setting and our beautiful back yard. It has had quite the makeover in the past year.

Once the sun was down we continued our romantic day in the kitchen. We made a wonderful dinner together; crab rigatoni…YUMMY! It is so much fun when we are both in the kitchen, he is so goofy. Even when we are trying to be intimate he always says something so funny we both end up cracking up. His humor is what keeps our marriage always growing.

Our dinner was so delicious and hilarious….my husband cooked the noodles a little too “al dente” and nearly burnt them to the pot. Luckily I remembered and the pasta wasn’t a total loss. We were laughing too hard to even care. :) I had made chocolate covered strawberries for desert and frozen raspberries to put into our champagne for the evening. Our meal is incredible.

After we finally calmed down from laughing we watched one of our favorite romantic movies, Sleepless in Seattle. I forgot how much I loved it. I don’t think we sat down to watch a movie since Christmas when the kids were home. It was nice snuggling with a blanket, sipping our champagne, and enjoying each other’s company.

We won’t be able to spend much time together this week but this weekend definitely made up for it. I love my husband so much and each moment we spend laughing makes me remember why I fell in love with him.

Our pre-Valentine’s Day date was perfect!

Until next time,
