Sparking The Left Is Back!!!

Posted on the 01 February 2019 by Paul Phillips @sparkingtheleft

Hello Everyone!

Sparking The Left is back!

It’s been over 3 years since our last post and we are going to start up again.

Essays, commentary, etc., will be posted whenever we can get them together, as often as possible. So subscribe over in the righthand menu!

Now, there are a couple changes that will be noticeable:

First, Paul Phillips has moved on to bigger and better projects and will not be contributing any further posts. But he will still be running the STL FB page. So follow!

Secondly, our return brings with it a harder edge than before. The political ideology of the commentary will be on the radical left area of the spectcrum. Not socialist, not communist, not anarchist, but an amalgam of all three (there are good and bad tenets under each label). But commentary on mainstream articles and events will be posted as before, just from a further left POV.

Also, STL will be featuring new social media accounts. We’re over at Twitter at @LeftSparking and you can click on the Twitter feed to the right to follow. We are also now featuring an account over at Instagram at #Sparking The Left where daily images will posted for everyone to check out. And lastly, don’t forget to join the STL FB page being ran by Phillips. I believe he has over four thousand members and he updates daily.
Thank you for returning and we’re very excited. I hope to hear from all of you soon with your opinions, responses, and suggestions.

In Solidarity,