Space Oddity by Christopher Edge

Posted on the 19 January 2021 by Booksocial

A new children’s book that’s out of this world – Space Oddity by Christopher Edge.

Space Oddity – the blurb

You might think that this story is going to be an intergalactic adventure filled with UFOs, black holes, killer robots and some very foul-smelling aliens. And you’d be right. But it’s mostly about a boy called Jake, his embarrassing dad, and the mind-boggling question . . . are we really alone in the universe?

Bowie who?

Yes the book is called Space Oddity and yes it is referring to the David Bowie song – a pretty cool concept for a book even if most children have never heard of the beloved Starman. The book was chock a block of those in the know jokes, ‘Jake I am your father’, but even if you have a child who has never watched Doctor Who or Star Wars they will still enjoy the ride. And Bowie is only a Spotify click away.

Edge fitted lots of humor into the book, the line ‘You’re can’t be an alien – you’re from Wales’ still makes me chuckle. There was also a lot of science thrown in, in the most un-boring way possible. It took me a couple of days to read and with short chapters and fab illustrations (thanks to Ben Mantle) even your younger middle graders will find it manageable.

Yes it has aliens, space ships and killer robots but it’s also laced with friendship, family bonds and accepting who you are. Makes a refreshing change from magical orphans and talking unicorns.


My thanks go to Chicken House for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. It’s out in paperback now but be warned, I’ve passed it on to my 8 year old who has already requested a Space Oddity playlist.

If you want more like Space Oddity you could also try Crater Lake by Jennifer Killick. Just don’t fall asleep!