
By Sue15cat
  Space, I love it !!   The top picture is where the coffee making machine used to live and now it's gone it's so much easier to wipe everywhere down properly each day.  I do like to whizz round with a cloth whenever I start any food preparation in the kitchen, well you have too really when there's a cat and two little dogs jettisoning fur in this hot weather.      This is where the toaster used to live, so no more lifting it everyday and wiping the crumbs left underneath into the chickens treat bowl before I can wipe the area down properly.   I'm preferring the space on the worktops to the gadgets that used to live there, and I love the time I save not having to move things around to clean under them.  It's making me think that it's time to do one final push around the place and see if I have enough things to maybe do one final car boot sale.  If this little bit of space makes me so happy how will I feel with even more in the cupboards and around the place.   I think it's time for my 'Decluttering 365 Challenge'  (see the page at the top of the blog for more information) to be drawn to a close now.  One hundred and thirty items have already left the house for good, so that means I have to find another 235 to be able to call this challenge over and done with, and I think that many items will make for a good boot full of things to sell.   I think I'm going to start searching around again and see how much more space I can make.   Sue xx