Soy Candles

Posted on the 02 June 2011 by Bgdn_adrian
Description:Interms oforganic products, there werestudiesthat saidthatclassicalparaffin candles produceharmfulemissionsofharmfulsubstances. ThusanAmericanresearcherhas foundamoreecologicaland moreefficient alternative: soywaxcandles Unlike paraffin candles, soy wax candles burn slower and twice more, and in terms of harmful gases, they are not harmful at all. Knowing that, it can be a profitable business keeping in mind the request for all
natural products on world markets. The business aim is to develop and market soy wax candles. Soy wax is obtained through a chemical process of hydrogenation of soybean oil. Here is an example of how this is achieved from soy wax:

Resources needed: -acquisition costs oil / soy wax
   - documentation regarding the implementation process
      - purchasing patterns / molds
      - acquisition of cotton yarn (for cords)

Pros: - natural products are increasingly sought
   - the investment is very small
   - prices of these candles are much higher than the classical candles
   - it can obtain substantial profits

Cons:  - once knowledge and dexterity in the manufacturing process are aquired, there will be no disadvantages
Conclusions: Natural products are increasingly sought and a business in this field can bring great benefits to those who choose to invest.