
By Latoya @latoyallawrence

A lot of my pay stubs from working at Sears for four whole years.

When I tidy up from time to time I come across things as we usually do when we clean and/or make room for other things and to also throw out things that we no longer have use for.  While in the midst I came across a lot of my old pay stubs and realized that I’ve worked a lot of jobs between retail and within the health care field. I even came across an old report card from when I was a youngster marked with A grades and few B ones along with some certificates for achievement.

One of my pay stubs from working the hosiery department at JC Penney for an entire year

I am so proud of all of the accomplishments that I have made through out the years.

Two weeks ago a client at one of my jobs called up the private company that I work for acknowledging to my superiors that I was giving exceptional service and that she wanted me working more frequent days and I had accepted the offer when the company phoned me up with the news. This client also told me that I was too smart to be working the job, and I always get this same remark from people, “Why are you here, you’re too smart to be at this job whether it is in retail and the such.

One of my pay stubs from working at Bloomingdale’s for three years

Without going into certain details I expressed to the lady that phoned up my job about the jealousy from others and how within the past up until now how many had tried to interfere with my life yet I still succeeded but that how when I was a child I had the opportunity to be published by a mainstream publisher but that I mistakenly refused the offer due to my anger at what was going on in life at the time and at the trouble it would have caused during that time from a few envious/ jealous disturbed family members and outsiders that were working with them and etc… but that writing was my nature and where my heart truly was.

One of my schedules from Toys R Us

“Well no one can stand in your way now”, she told me. And she is correct.

She took down my full name and number wanting to keep in contact with me stating, “I want your full name because I know that you’re going to be a writer, well you are a writer”.

I told her, “I know what you mean, recognition”.

One of my schedules from Burlington

“Exactly”, she said I can tell and hear it in your voice that you’re a writer”. She has no doubt that I’ll eventually make it even further and neither do I!

No matter how many people have tried to hold me back through out my life I have managed to become very successful regardless in all of the things that I had set out to do. When anyone tries to stop me it just makes me hate them even more and makes me more determined to get what I want.

Free supplies notice I received when I adopted a new female Labrador Retriever in the year 2011

I remember when this guy by the name of George Owens (who always thought he was the smartest thing in the world and that he knew everything but was nothing but a dumb ignorant undesirable fuck who didn’t know what he was talking about who’d constantly gossip about everyone then go smile in their face) said “She can’t even do this”, talking about me doing the annual account for my mother who was conservator over my grandmother’s affairs years ago as my mother would ask him to do it once a year (he didn’t even know me personally or well enough to know what my capabilities were but I knew him as I could read him like a book and knew that one day he would get his and he sure has gotten his! I won’t mention what it is though as I have already discreetly mentioned it in a post last year).

And I thought that was interesting since the lawyer over my mother and another professional woman had stated that he didn’t know what he was doing as he kept getting it wrong every year. The annual account didn’t start getting done accurately until I became the one to complete it from then on and it was documented, we didn’t need him. The stupid ass George Owens even got arrested for tax evasion ( he goes by a muslim name now. I’ve always filed and done my taxes completely on my own without the help of anyone every year. I’ll tell you, jealousy is a bitch.

As good people no matter what the circumstances we are the ones to come out on top when we are strong.

I don’t understand why people tried me within the first place and thought that they would get away with it. I was born under the zodiacal sign Taurus and one can’t mess with the bull without getting murdered or seriously injured.
