Southern Pastors Can Make Anyone Cry..

By 9jagirl4real

I went for a job interview the other day at a church and I came out crying.
What happened?
No, I didn’t get the job but that’s not why I cried.
I talked to a southern pastor that’s exactly what happened.

Let me tell you exactly what happened.
I went in to for the interview and I already knew that I didn’t want the job because it was too far for me.
I already told him I was coming, so I had to show up.
During the course of the interview, I told him that the job wouldn’t work for my gas tank.
He said “ok. I have twenty minutes before my next interview. What do you want to talk about?”
Well, I told him my situation.
He listened carefully and responded with this low monotone voice as he was explaining something
important to me.
As he was talking, tears were falling out my eyes (it was so embarrassing).
It was very distracting because he was saying something important but I couldn’t hear it because I was busy crying.
How do these southern pastors do it?

Filed under: Africa, Family, Forgiveness, Future, Girl, God, Hope, Job, Life, Love, Nigeria, Preseverance, School, Smart, Women Tagged: Events., Experience, Faith, Help, Inspirational, Life, Moments, moving forward, Pastors, People, Soft voice, Therapy, Truth