South Australia’s Nuclear Dump Plan – Fool’s Gold? – Senior Liberal MP « Antinuclear

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

GR:  There are so many problems with nuclear power.  Efforts should be directed toward nonpolluting renewable energy sources.

“SA nuclear dump dreams just fool’s gold: senior Lib, The Australian, Sept. 29, 2016, by Michael Owen senior Liberal has broken ranks in what had been a bipart­isan approach to inquire into the potential for South Australia to host a repository for the world’s high-level nuclear waste, warning that taxpayers risked wasting money “on fool’s gold”.”

“Rob Lucas, a former state treasurer and the opposition’s Treasury spokesman, told ­parliament that intense political pressures would make it near ­impossible for there to be the ­required bipartisan support at both federal and state level for the necessary legislative changes to allow such a facility.”  Read the article at:  South Australia’s nuclear dump plan – fool’s gold? – senior Liberal MP « Antinuclear