Souper Quiche

By Crustabakes

I have recently taken up yoga in my attempt to “counter” all the sinful forces that are lurking in my blog here. And in my journey to yoga-dom, i was introduced to the term “yogic power”.

But instead of taking in that word, and listening to what it signifies, i giggled foolishly in class. Geez, I must have came across as a moron, disrespectful of Yoga and its terms. But please,  please forgive me, for that was not at all my intention. You see when i heard the word “yogic power”, my mind wandered to public parks and stealing picnic lunches, a power possessed by YOGI Bear.

Yogic power. Yogi Bear’s power. See the connection?

Seems like everything eventually comes around to food in here.

Predictably, for today’s post, i had picnic lunches in my mind. While sandwiches are probably the most common items, so are pies. But i decided to take on the savoury road on this one.

and made a broccoli and ham quiche.

As mentioned before, i am not much of a cook. I was therefore more than happy to pop open that can of Campbell soup and SPAM for this. Easy Peasy right?

But before you go all judgemental on me, let me redeem myself by telling you that i did make that pie dough, and boiled those broccolis.

And what came out of this homemade crust and storebought cans of food was indeed a very beautiful union. The custard was able to set up so perfectly. It was silky smooth and was yet firm enough to slice through. It’s almost like the squares of soft, Japanese tofus you see in supermarket, only waaaaay more tastier.

The custard was not only creamy, but it was so full bodied and rich. With Campbell soup, i dont think you can err in terms of taste. They must have spent a gabazillion dollars and years upon years of research perfecting that.  You can be sure to bank in on that.

As for the crust, i have used Martha Stewart’s patee brisee, which almost always produces the flakiest and tenderest of pie crusts. It’s one of my favourite pie crusts recipe to date.   

So between the reliable Martha Stewart pie crust, and the uncontestedly delicious Campbell soup in the custard, this quiche is soupberply good. In fact it is so good that i am thinking of organizing a picnic lunch around it.

For Pate Brisee Recipe, Click HERE

For Filling Recipe:

Taken from

4 eggs
1 can (10 3/4 to 11 oz.) condensed soup
1/2 c. light cream
1 c. shredded cheese
1/2 c. Broccoli 1. In medium bowl, beat eggs until foamy. Gradually add soup and cream, mixing well.

2. Sprinkle cheese, meat and vegetable evenly over pie crust. Pour soup mixture over all. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

3. Bake at 350 degrees F. 50 minutes or until center is set. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Makes 6 servings.
* Note: I blind baked my pie crust before adding in the custard and baked it a second time.