Soundtrack Pick : Before I Disappear (2014)

Posted on the 17 November 2014 by Ikzidna @InspiredGround


We’re having quite rainy days here, making things a little bit gloomy. What is the next good new soundtrack after Begin Again? I admit, I still having a little bit fever from the movie. None of the new big movies interests me, but I saw Shawn Christensen’s Before I Disappear movie poster (scheduled to release 28th of November) and saw the trailer after I read that it will be screened in 2014’s JIFFEST. Fingers crossed, I hope I can see the movie in the festival. The soundtrack somehow has the edge of indie movies I love. Take a listen :

Goodnight Radio – Sophia So Far
 Tame Impala – Elephant
Happy Hollows – Endless

To listen more soundtrack of Before I Disappear, check the SoundCloud.


Readers, any thoughts? Have you heard about the movie?