Soul to Sole

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz

I believe that beauty can be found almost anywhere. From the humblest street corner, to the loftiest ideal, beauty is everywhere.  If you refine your palette, and delve beyond topical declarations of beauty, you'll discern the tenacious omnipresence of beauty: clinging stubbornly, found even in neglected gardens, on broken pavement, and in your own unadorned, and naked feet. 

Here lies the ambrosia of being: the bloom, the climb and our point of origin. Like the Chinese proverb asserts- the journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step.

Where are you heading? And how do you intend to take your own beauty with you? 

Reminder: Shoe Shine: October is this coming Wednesday! Slip into your favorite soles and share your beautiful soul by linking up for our upcoming Shoe Shine!