S.O.S Rwandan Refugees in Congo

Posted on the 24 May 2015 by Therisingcontinent @Ambrosenz

During 2014 holidays I met outside Rwanda a number of survivor relatives from all over the world. We all after perillous joirneys ended in different places. Some I hadn’t seen for years. I used to only see them online at particular occasions when their parents shared their pictures. As this was the first time in years I was going to be with them, I took with me a few gifts.

Seeing these children in the clip living in such indescriptable conditions made me almost cry, looking at their circumstances – living in Congolese forests.  I am Rwandan. They are Rwandans. They are from my community. I felt compelled to donate something. I went on the website http://www.hope-ikizere.org and donated $15. That is what I could afford at the time. You could do the same, particularly if you are Rwandan.

The children need a roof for their classes. They need books and other school material. Their dedicated teachers demand as well some motivation and incentives to do more. But what everybody is looking for is hopefully that they will be one day able to go back to their country, as soon as the Rwandan political space is opened by the Rwandan regime of Paul Kagame.