"Sorry, but I STILL Wish She'd Had a Black Baby, Says JOSEPH HARKER"
Posted on the 24 July 2013 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth
From The Guardian In a world so lacking in role models for young black men, how extraordinary a young, coloured king-in-waiting could have been, When Prince William confirmed the birth of his and Kate's first child on Monday, his simple statement echoed the mood of the nation: 'We could not be happier.' For, with the birth of the heir-in-line to the throne, elation rolled over our shores and across the world. And so it should. I was ecstatic at the news and that all had gone so smoothly for the young couple. A baby is always the cause for much celebration — even more so in this case. Yet however grateful we are for the birth of a healthy 8lb 6oz baby boy, I couldn't help but wonder what the future would have been for Britain if that child had been mixed race or black. However joyful the news, it means another Caucasian will join his father William and grandfather Charles in the most exclusive white people's club in the world. We now have three white males circling the throne, like planes in a holding pattern over Heathrow. We won't just have to adjust to our first king after more than half-a-century of being led by our beloved Queen, we'll have to accept another three white monarchs in a row. We face the prospect of another three white men becoming our head of state, one after another. We shouldn't underestimate what a huge change this could be for the nation. We have become used to singing God Save The Queen. How strange it will it be for us to belt out with gusto The King Is In Da House or Make Some Noise For Da King...