Sophie's Universe CAL 2015 Part 3

By Kjoelsen326

Sophie's UniverseCAL 2015Part 3

Partially finished Part 3
I had fun with this part, however I ran into some difficulties making up my mind as to which color I wanted to use when.  I also made some mistakes on this round but chose to continue instead of ripping it out. I am currently working on a 2nd SU so I will be posting pics of round three here and I can just bet I will begin to see the difference in relationship to where and when I made my mistakes. I feel that this CAL is supposed to be fun while teaching new techniques and stitches.  This is why I have chosen not to rip out my work many times over until I get it right. The 2nd SU will be like it should be based on the instructions given and my interpretation of them.  I will be posting a link for part 3 as well as a video link. I wasn't aware of the video's till today.  Interesting that I'm 9 weeks into this and just not finding out about the video's.  Goes to show what I'm paying attention too.  I love how challenging this has been.  I've had to put it down at times due to getting frustrated with it but in the end I work out what is causing the frustration and move on from there. :) 
New stitch learned:  Crab Stitch (Also known as reverse Single Crochet)
"To start, I’m going to insert my hook into the left-most corner of my fabric, and then I'm going to draw a loop through with my new yarn and then I'm going to work one chain stitch, and now I'm ready to start working reverse single crochet. So it feels a little bit awkward when you're used to crocheting in the other direction, but you insert your hook to the right, and then yarn over and draw the loop back to the front, and then yarn over again, and draw that loop through the two that are already on the hook. And that's one reverse single crochet worked. So I will continue doing that - I insert my hook to the right, draw the yarn through, yarn over, and draw that through the two loops on my hook.
I've worked the reverse single crochet stitches all the way along the edge and now I'm reaching the end, my last stitch. So I'm going to insert my hook, draw it through, pull that loop through, and now I can cut a six to eight inch tail and then fasten it off. And that's the reverse single crochet stitch or crab stitch - thanks for watching!"
Crab Stitch Video
Sophie's Universe 2015 CAL Part 3Sophie's Universe 2015 CAL Part 3 Video

Stay tuned for the 2nd SU posting of part 3
Come and visit in flickr page to view all the beautiful photographs of Greenland that I have taken over the past 3.5 years.  Kathy Joelsen's Flickr photographs