Sookie’s True Blood Bra on Auction to Raise Money for Charity!

Posted on the 11 September 2012 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

You have less than 24 hours to bid on a valuable piece of True Blood memorabilia! For fans who have always wanted a piece of Sookie (or Eric) can now bid on the bra she wore for the scene involving Alexander Skarsgard in Episode 6 of Season 4, entitled ‘I Wish I Was The Moon‘.

Besides the piece of infamous underwear, which is signed on the strap by Anna Paquin herself, a photo of Pam is also part of the prize. Kristin Bauer will sign and personalize the photo for the winning bidder.

All proceeds will go to the charitable organization; ‘Out For Africa‘. A charity run by the amazing Kristin Bauer van Straten and her equally fabulous husband, Abri. Their mission is to help save the majestic Elephants and Rhinos of Africa.

You can bid for this item here. Or, alternatively, you can check out the other items on offer from this charity. Make sure you check out the Out For Africa website for more information on what the charity does.

Sources: – TRUE BLOOD Authentic Sookie Bra worn and signed by ANNA PAQUIN

(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.