Sookie’s New Years Resolution

Posted on the 04 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Everyone makes New Years’ resolutions and the character of Sookie Stackhouse is no different (even though she’s a fictional character and of course, wouldn’t make a New Years resolution).

Our good friends over at BuddyTV shared your favorite characters’ New Years resolutions and this is what they said about Sookie.

Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood

I resolve to: Quit waffling and finally pick the one man I want to be with. I choose Bill. I mean Eric. I mean Bill. I mean Eric. I mean Alcide. I mean Bill, Eric and Alcide.

We agree on this one. We really wish she would quit waffling and pick one too…preferably with ERIC! It gets too confusing and she seems wishy-washy. It makes her seem like a tease, who loves all of this male attention.  And it makes her unlikeable for some of us.

But at the same time…it keeps us interested in finding out what happens next in both the books and on the show. Not to mention, it creates drama, angst and entertainment for us.

If you’re interested in reading the rest of the resolutions, please click here!

What are your thoughts? Share them below!