So…Now What?

By Theelegantologist

New year… we all make resolutions. What are yours?

I suggest you start with manageable, small changes. The first of which should be to try harder. Promise to step up your shoe game. Sneakers for athletic use only. Buy good quality loafers instead. And match an exotic belt to them.

Do you wear khakis and jeans almost exclusively? Try a pair of corduroy trousers, whipcords or patterned flannels for day-to-day wear.

Button-down shirts are great, but branch out into patterns or try a spread collar. Already wearing patterns? Time to try some bolder colors. Lavender looks fantastic with blues and greys.

And finally, the blue blazer can’t be beat, but a patterned sportcoat will really make you stand out in a good way.

Give it some thought and step out in style this year. One small step at a time.

(All images are mine, shot for my tailor Leviner Wood, with the exception of the topmost, which is my dining room table.)