Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) Review

Posted on the 22 February 2020 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Sonic the Hedgehog finds himself on Earth and had been embracing his new home while trying to stay hidden, he has been watching police officer Tom and longs to be his friend. This eventually happens when they must then protect Sonic from evil genius Dr. Robotnik.


I always feel a little bit of background helps when starting a review about a film like this. I grew up in the 90s and saved up to be a SEGA Mega drive one year with my birthday money and pocket money therefore Sonic was a big part of my childhood gaming history (not that I've ever been a massive gamer). The first and then second games where we spent hours playing on it was something that you will remember and after seeing the film I have been tempted to buy another one with the games!

That is then my first talking point about the film while it is so obviously a kids film, do many kids now actually know who Sonic is? I guess either way it doesn't really make a massive difference as the film starts with a little bit of background and how he ends up on earth and must keep himself safe with the extraordinary power he possess. Let's also be very thankful that they changed the animation of Sonic after that first trailer was released as he really does look fantastic in the film now!

Throwing in Tom Wachowski who was in a small town and wanted something more and was due to move to San Francisco this is something that upsets Sonic considering he views this human as his best friend even though to begin with he pretty much stalked him! Although I don't mean that to sound crazy I mean that in the nicest possible way because Sonic just wanted and needed a friend. At times it was silly and ridiculous but do you what we need to watch films like this at times as they are then so far away from real life!

Then we get Dr. Ivo Robotnik played in truly outstanding fashion by Jim Carrey who feels like he has gone back to his crazy comic best that we saw in the 90s and you can easily see this as a similar character to The Riddler in Batman Returns which for this film was truly perfect. Robotnik is onto Sonic but for very wrong reasons and has some utterly crazy and over the top machines, which creates a chase scene where you end up thinking really what is possibly going to be next? Carrey really does deserve a lot of credit for his over the top hilarious performance. I also loved James Marsden and the way his role was silly but so nice and likeable at the same time.

The film probably shouldn't work as well as it actually does and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Although I felt the same way about Detective Pikachu and ended up enjoying that one as well! So something must be working with having one CGI character within in a film and the rest live action. This is certainly a film where we can see it becoming a new franchise (box office depending).