Songs for Spring Part 5: Skipping Class to Make out in the Grass

Posted on the 29 April 2015 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Spring is in the air–well parts of it are, it sure is taking its time fully blooming. To at least get us in to the mindset of springtime and to soundtrack some of the best springtime activities, here are some mini-playlists. Hopefully they’ll help draw the flowers up and out of the ground as well as the sun and its warmth into the northern hemisphere. Here’s part 5 of our six part series!

Skipping Class to Make Out in the Grass:


Everybody remembers the first warm day of the spring, especially after a long winter. Those of us with no self-control definitely skipped class or called in “sick” to work to spend the day in the park smooching.

1. Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele – Meet Me in the Garden

2. Solange – Stillness is the Move

3. Flight Facilities (feat. Reggie Watts) – Sunshine

4. Jamie xx – Girl

5. Bomba Estéreo – El Alma y el Cuerpo