Something Strange and Deadly Book Club: Week 2

By Beautybutafunnygirl @beutybutfunygrl


In conjunction with Epic Reads Book Club, Susan Dennard is hosting her own Book Club reading of her novel Something Strange and Deadly (sign up here). Each week, Susan will post a discussion question for Something Strange and Deadly and A Darkness Strange and Lovely.
I know last week I said I was going to answer the Something Strange and Deadly discussion questions, but I really like this weeks A Darkness Strange and Lovely questions, so I'm going to answer that instead. It's pretty non-spoilery, so no worries if you haven't read it yet!
A Darkness Strange and Lovely Discussion Question
Eleanor finds herself increasingly dependent on Oliver. She claims she does not trust him, yet she continues to turn to him for help and guidance. Do YOU trust him? Or do you think, were you in her shoes with Hell Hounds at your heels and Marcus not further behind, you would reject Oliver’s offers of “help?”
I LOVE Oliver. I myself find him trustworthy - and I think there's more to his relationship with Elijah than he's letting on. Oliver genuinely cares for Eleanor, and not just because of the relationship that they now share.
The reason that Eleanor turns to him for guidance and help is because she has no one else she can talk to about her necromancy. Joseph wants her to control that part of her powers and not use them, but she is finding it increasing difficult as her power grows. Oliver is the only one who is willing to and can help her harness and control her powers. She might be shifty about him and his motives, but in this aspect, he is all she has.
I'm quite excited to see more of Oliver and his relationship with Eleanor. Aside from the fact that he's Eleanor's friend (I won't say exactly as to not ruin it for those who have yet to read - which you should have by now!), I think he's going to be playing a major role in book three. Despite the tension it has created within the group, I think Eleanor did a very smart move by taking the help Oliver offered her.
Have you read A Darkness Strange and Lovely. Do you think Eleanor made a smart move and that Oliver can be trusted? Or are you far too wary about his motives?