Something’s Rotten in Vermont: People Not on Voter Rolls Allowed to Vote in 2012

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

More evidence of voter fraud in the 2012 presidential election that returned President Ebola to a second term so he can finish his job of destroying America.

Bruce Parker reports for, Oct. 8, 2014, that in the 2012 presidential election, 17,383 votes were cast in Burlington, Vermont, according to city-published data. However, 639 of those votes or 3.7%, came from election day walk-in voters whose names were not on the voter rolls and whose registration status was unknown. 

That startling fact is derived from data not published by the city, obtained by Vermont Watchdog from printed checklists updated by poll workers and maintained by the Board for Registration of Voters.

In the 2012 general election, voters whose names were not on the checklist, but were handwritten-in and permitted to vote in Burlington, were as follows:

  • 181 names in Wards One and Two.
  • 114 in Ward Three.
  • 50 in Ward Four.
  • 128 in Ward Five.
  • 112 in Ward Six.
  • 54 in Ward Seven.

In big elections in Burlington, hundreds of people absent from voter rolls show up to vote. Instead of being turned away or given provisional ballots, the individuals fill out voter affirmation forms, get added to the statewide checklist and vote on the spot — whether or not the voters can be verified as having registered with the state. Critics say the process is rife with abuse and amounts to same-day registration, which is unlawful.

When Watchdog contacted the clerk/treasurer’s office to find out how many individuals voted in recent elections despite not appearing on the statewide checklist, Scott Schrader, Burlington’s elections chief, said affirmation forms from the 2012 presidential election were discarded. Forms from this year’s Town Meeting Day also went missing with a clerk who no longer works for the city.

The unpublished data sheds light on elections in Burlington after citizen poll watchers exposed a need for greater scrutiny in the Queen City, and after city officials on Monday halted early voting when Republican candidates for Justice of the Peace were found missing from the ballot. Reprinted ballots will cost the city $10,000.

Burlington isn’t the only city in Vermont that experiences unusually high numbers of unverified voters in big elections. Montpelier also saw a spike in 2012.

John Odum, city clerk for Montpelier, said his office kept a record of voter affirmation forms filled out during the 2012 general election. Of 4,558 votes cast in Montpelier, 98 votes, or 2.2%, came from individuals whose names were not on the statewide checklist.

Odum told Vermont Watchdog, “(The numbers) were quite high for the last general. It was a little jaw-dropping, actually. You find a lot more of them in the general (election). That’s when the parties and candidates make the big push to go out and get people registered.”

According to Odum, Vermont allows such voting because delays exist in the voter registration process. He confirmed that individuals whose names don’t appear on the statewide checklist cast standard ballots, not provisional ballots, after signing an affirmation form: “The affirmation is an affidavit you’re signing under penalty of perjury. You’re basically saying, ‘I did my part in good faith; in good faith, I registered or thought I was registering … and yet I did not show up on your checklist.’”

Will Senning, elections director at the Vermont Secretary of State’s Office, said in email not only do such individuals vote on election day, but they also become registered voters right there at the polling place: “By statute, the Board of Civil Authority is directed to add to the checklist, at the polling place, the names of persons who sign the affirmation form and are otherwise qualified to be on the checklist … There is no further verification required.”

When asked what would happen if such voters didn’t, in fact, register through the DMV, a clerk’s office or a third-party group, Senning replied:

“Because the affirmation form is a legal document signed by the voter under pains of perjury, and because statute directs that persons who sign that form be added to the checklist at the polling place, their vote is counted the same as all other registered voters.”

Officials in Burlington and Montpelier said they weren’t worried about fraud since voters face the threat of perjury. But when asked if the state ever prosecuted anyone for falsifying voter affirmation forms, Odum replied, “I don’t know. It’s an interesting question.” When the question was put to Schrader, he said, “I have no idea.”

Nevertheless, both affirmed the public needn’t worry about the surge of people showing up to vote in big elections despite not being on the voter rolls. Odum said, “When they get that affidavit, that is the process by which they affirmatively state, ‘I did do my job as a citizen, I did register to vote, and I’m not on your list. And I should have the right to vote anyway.’ And then you given them a ballot.”

Another sign that the once great United States of America is becoming a third world country by the day . . . .

The City of Burlington’s website grandly declares that “The mission of the Office of the City Clerk/Treasurer is to maintain and strengthen five basic structures of local democracy: elections, public records, City Council proceedings, licensing, and the dissemination of public information.”

As the city’s elections chief, Scott Schrader, Asst. Chief Administrative Officer at the city’s Clerk/Treasurer’s Office, sure isn’t living up to those grand words. Here’s his contact info:

Phone: (802)865-7140

I searched the Internet for a pic of Shrader, but was not successful. The only image of him is from a WCAX news video, from which I took this screenshot of the scumbag:

Scott Shrader, elections chief, Burlington, VT

See also:
