Something Old, Something New, and a Bunch of Blue

By Kerrysteele @kerrysteeleart
I have been a painting fool lately and wanted to post a few completed pieces. Some is much like other things but my new clear primed linen canvas is super exciting to me. I bought them in bulk because I have been wanting them for nearly a year and they are about 3 times the price of a normal canvas. The point of a clear primed linen is to let the natural flax color show, so you do not cover the entire surface.
I have done two thus far.

"Two temples" 18 x 24 oil and acrylic on linen

"Dilletante social" 18 x 24 oil and acrylic on linen by Kerry Steele

I also used a bit of oil paint. It cracks me up that this paint is truly vintage. I found it in my grandmother's art supplies and the oil paint is still fine despite being at least 30 years old. I have also bought some just for kicks.

This is "Cake and eat it too" 20 x 20 acrylic on canvas by Kerry Steele
Sometimes I feel that I am being too careful. Sounds odd but careful is perhaps the wrong word. Stifled, is more accurate. I have to remind myself that it is OK to go crazy. It is just paint and canvas and if it sucks, I am only out a few bucks and a few hours.
 This is "The chandelier I swing from..." 18 x 24 acrylic on canvas. It is a good example of letting myself go and having fun translating onto the canvas, hence the title. I had a similar painting in style a week or so ago...

"Six impossible things before breakfast"

and it sold in a hot minute. That was key in reminding me to trust myself.