~ Someone Needs to Speak, Truth

By Harry @web_pensioner

Originally posted on Poet's Corner:

~ Someone Needs to Speak, Truth
Never in American history has a Commander-in-Chief endured such opposition to nearly every task at hand. From Homeland Security to Forgien Affairs, from his influence and suggestion of dealing with Terrorist Cells to Immigration Laws, and Obama Care.
Never in American history has a Commander -in-Chief been subjected to blatant, deplorable acts of disrespect. Yet he endures; not throughout one adminstration, but two! His fortitude is to be commended.
Blocked by opposing parties, those holding resentment within their ‘human’ hearts, deep seeded animosity from eras past…intent on history depicting him as a failure, daily devising negativity, sure to make black in headlines, focusing on fabricated ‘heresay’…and the Media gobbles it up; they too barely holding at bay their ‘human weakness’…
You couch politicians have no right to complain! You racist, still under the illusion, the delusion that “man is NOT created equal” have much…

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