Someone Give This Semi-educated Woman a Smack!

By Davidduff

Where do they find them?  Is there a factory in Slough or 'Uddersfield or somewhere where they churn out these semi-educated prats on a production line?  They are all 'wimmin', even the male ones, and they all drift effortlessly, like iron filings to a magnet, towards local government where they spend a lifetime doing (usually badly) one useless job after another until, like Dr. Margaret Atkinson (who likes to be known as 'Maggie', see, just to prove she's like us, really -  which she isn't, thank God!) they reach a national job where they can wait patiently for a Knight- or Dame-hood.


In an irony which was oblivious to the bureaucracy who chose her, this particular dipstick woman has never produced or raised her own children but was appointed as the Orwellian-sounding National Children's Commissioner.  And now she has given as her opinion that parents smacking children should be made unlawful.  (That's unlawful as in being banged-up by the 'Plod', your kids taken into 'care', being dragged into a full-blown trial in front of a judge and ending up with a criminal record and probably never seeing your children again.)  Thus, if she gets her way - and she almost certainly will eventually - the next time you see your 'likkle kiddie-winkie' playing with an electric socket, instead of giving it a quick hard slap across the legs and telling it never, ever, to do that again, you will reason with it and after explaining the physics of electricity, if you are really, really, stern, you might - dread punishment! - make it stand on the 'naughty step' for five minutes.  That'll teach the little brat - er, won't it?!

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