Hello everybody, it`s been some time after the last style post. and if you now me I always like to bring something together with ideas that you can do yourself... again a little DIY so here we go...
this time i like to share some combinations of one of my all time favorite material-> lace. I love to layer it, or combining it with other lace (if it`s not too much), denim or floral prints...or maybe a whole lot of things.
this shirt was one of my all time summer companions, but it will also be fine layering it in late summerand autumn... (so you still can make one yourself :)...

(other pieces I wear: hairpiece mydearlove-my fashion label:), belt modcloth, lace dress even&odd, leggings H&M, hat mydearlove again, denim overall vintage)
So let`s start with a little tutorial:
(it´s so easy to make! I so much love to share simple ideas for everyone I also could share long tutorial how to sew a blazer or anything, but sometimes for me it´s about simple, easy to make , obvious ideas...but let me now if you like a little more sewing skilled DIY, I´ll do my best...)
You need:some synthetic lace fabric
3 simple Steps!cut out + cut bands+ knot them together+ slightly burn the edges of the fabric (sometimes you don`t even need to do this if it doesn`t run)
Thats all... !
(and yes as I said, I`ve worn it quite often this summer:)