You all loved my previous gardening posts in Spring & in full Summertime. I will show you my garden in Wintertime.We haven’t had any snow yet,…:) I have a walled garden & I see the garden, directly from my kitchen. I have several shrubs & flowers that are blooming in Wintertime. I will show you,…:)
The flowers of my Witch Hazelnut tree!
My beautiful Red skimmia plant!
A closer look at my red skimmia plant!
Lovely, is it not?
My 2 beautiful viburnums blooming wonderfully! After April, I have to prune them!
These 2 taller viburnum plants are the pride & joy of my walled wintergarden! Near Christmastime, the flowers are knobs & they are dark red in colour! After blooming, I have to trim these shrubs!
The flowers scent lovely too!
This plant is ready to bloom soon!
Lovely tiny bright yellow flowers of my Winter Jasmine plant!!!
Bright green-yellow all winter long!
New flower plants come alive!
That was the guided tour for now, my gardening friends! I hope to see you back here when my garden is blooming further…I hope to see you very soon! :)
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Filed under: Gardening