I’m anticipating a few days of limited internet access, so don’t be alarmed if this space stays quiet for a bit. (You can always peruse the archives. See? I’ve even organized the recipes and the ‘skinny toys’ posts for you!)
Meanwhile, other people have had some good words to say about my book that I’d like to share:
Peter Enns interviewed me at his blog and wrote:
This isn’t a “guide to healthy eating” but a book that redeems food–it shows how food and shared meals are means of relating to God and each other. In other words, this is a theology book of the most practical sort, and her words of wisdom ring deeply true.
You can read that here.
Jana Riess wrote about my book (and two other new books on food and faith) at Flunking Sainthood:
This is good news for all people, but particularly for those of us (especially women) who have had a conflicted or unhealthy relationship with food.
Click here to read that.
and my very good friend Ellen Painter Dollar wrote a lovely essay (those of you who know Ellen’s writing will rightly say, “Does she write any other kind?”) in which she explores several different meals as ‘healthful’ in an expanded sense of that term:
I am grateful to Rachel who, through her friendship and her book, has helped me to understand that healthy meals are not defined solely by which compounds they do or don’t contain, that eating with joy and gratitude means being conscious of the foods we eat, how and with whom we share them, and the God from whose hands it all (the food and the company) ultimately comes.
Read it all here.
And I am grateful to each of these people (and others) who have kind words to say about my book. Writing a book is a long and often lonely process, and hearing from people who have found it meaningful and helpful is like finally getting a letter back after months or years of writing without much response. So thank you.
Plus, it’s