Some Home Renovations You Can Do Yourself

By Elena @Midsommarflicka

Home renovation is costly. That is why I decided to handle some of my home remodeling projects. You can also do the same thing. If you are a DIYer and you are not afraid to take any challenge, here are the top home renovations you can do yourself: 

Update Your Old Floors 

Many homeowners replace their worn-out floors right away. But if you are on a budget, it may not be the best idea. Replacing old floors is also technical, which requires the assistance of a professional. Fortunately, updating outdated floors can be a DIY project. A little measuring on your wooden floor and a few hours of work throughout the weekend can level up your floor and change your space’s overall look. Then, cover it with a coat of durable and appealing paint. I tried it myself, and it looks good. 

Clean Your Vinyl Siding

Last summer, I called a contractor to install vinyl siding, and it made my home look new. But it started to look dingy after some time. Originally, I planned to rent a power washer and hire a professional. But I ended up cleaning my home’s exterior, and I got rid of the dirt and dust as if nothing happened. I just used an expert-recommended cleaning solution and a long-handled scrub brush. That’s it! I cleaned my vinyl siding without much cost at the end of the day. You can also do what I did, although you are not even on a budget. 

Renovate Your Bathroom 

Does your bathroom have outdated paint colors? Does it smell old? Are there brown patches? Does the lighting unit not work? Or don’t you have enough storage space? It is time to renovate your bathroom. Yes, you can do it. Before anything else, prepare your bathroom. Next, gather your remodeling supplies and tools. Then, install a new shower, set up fixtures, lay down your floor tiles, paint chipping walls, and install new cabinets. Unfortunately, if you do not have prior experience, it would still be complicated. Contact the right expert to enjoy a better result. 

Paint Your Front Door 

Yes, your exterior has shingles and siding. But do not be contented with that. Getting your front door painted can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home without any trouble. Before updating your front door, make sure the paint blends with your exterior. If finding the perfect color combination is not your specialty, ask advice from your loved one and close friends, which is what I do during home renovations. 

Apply a High-Quality Backsplash

Do you want to apply a new kitchen backsplash, but you are afraid it is not feasible? Do not feel and think that way. A backsplash is DIYable. However, prior experience is required. Another thing that I love about a backsplash is that it is competitively priced. It does not need costly and complicated tools. It is affordable and ideal for those who are on a budget. You can also cut the tiles to your preferred size using ordinary tin snips. Additionally, you can stick it to your wall without extra adhesives and solutions. 

Use a Wallpaper 

You have probably tried applying wallpaper before. How’s the experience? Maybe, it was terrible because it took time before you removed the old. Things are different today as some wallpapers are removable. When searching for ways to improve your space, wallpaper can add style, luxury, pattern, and color. That’s not all! The wallpaper will not cost you a fortune. 

Spruce Up Your Cabinets 

Old-looking cabinets can ruin the mood in your kitchen or bedroom. They can also be an eyesore. But instead of having them replaced, I encourage you to paint them. Where to start? Remove the drawers and cabinet doors. Clean them. Repair dents, gouges, and holes. After that, sand the surface, apply the primer, apply latex paint, mark the placement of every item of hardware, and attach the hardware. That’s it! There’s nothing too complicated. 

Are you spending thousands of dollars on a minor home renovation? If yes, why don’t you deal with some of your home remodeling projects? Although it is challenging, the possibility of acquiring bigger savings is high. But be sure you know what you are doing to avoid other costs over time.