Some Good News for Unborn Babies

Posted on the 18 November 2012 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Six abortion workers quit during last 40 Days for Life campaign

LifeSiteNews: In an e-mail to supporters, 40 Days for Life Campaign Director Shawn Carney revealed that six abortion workers quit their jobs during the most recent 40 Days for Life campaign. Carney said that this is in addition to the 789 babies saved from abortion during the campaign, that 40 Days organizers know of.

During a 40 Days for Life webcast Monday, former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson told listeners that Planned Parenthood is “terrified” of the fact that so many of their staff are leaving. “We know just from the workers that have left there is definitely a heightened sense of paranoia inside the abortion clinics,” said Johnson. “They don’t feel like they can trust any of their workers. You know what? They can’t. Because it’s a constant fear, oh gosh, are they talking to people with 40 Days for Life?”

Abby runs a charity, And Then There Were None, that provides material and spiritual support to abortion workers as they transition into a new line of work. She pointed out that many of these former workers have since gone on to take steps to fight the injustices in the abortion industry.

“Currently there are four pending lawsuits out against Planned Parenthood that would total billions and billions of dollars that these affiliates would be required to pay back to federal and state government. Because all of these cases, one thing that we have in common is that we are all accusing Planned Parenthood of Medicaid fraud … there are huge implications if these lawsuits are successful,” she said.

Abby also hinted at the possibility that the number of lives saved from abortion during the 40 Days for Life campaigns is actually much higher than pro-lifers will ever know. “I remember the last Planned Parenthood conference that I went to before I quit. We were actually talking about the 40 Days for Life. Planned Parenthood was saying that their no-show rates go up as high as 75 percent when people are simply standing and praying outside of abortion clinics,” she said.

Carney concluded his message to supporters saying: “Bottom line: God is making a profound, life-saving difference … through YOU!”

Awesome, 789 babies (or more) saved from death! Amen.