Some France Travel Tips

Posted on the 03 February 2016 by Cheekymeeky

Photo courtesy: Philippe Rouzet

Are you heading into France for the first time soon? Then you're going to want a little travel advice to help you. You can never do too much research when travelling to a new place. It'll ensure you have the best time possible and stay safe! Here are some simple France travel tips that you can use to help you:

Learn a Few Important Phrases

By learning a few important phrases, you'll find your time in France much more bearable. The French people love it when you at least try to communicate with them in their own language. After all, it's only polite! Although many of them do know English, they will avoid using it when they could be speaking French. By making the effort, you'll make your trip easier and more pleasant.

Buy Food from the Market and Have a Picnic

Eating out in France can be quite expensive. There are plenty of Michelin star restaurants and quirky places you can chow down, if you have the budget. However, you might want to save a little money at times. Why not buy food from the market and have a picnic? You can buy fresh bread, cheese, meat, and other things you'd expect to buy at a French market. You can then settle by the river, on a bench, or another picturesque place.

Get Around on the Train

Getting around on the train is by far the easiest, cheapest, and most stress free way to explore France. You can get some great deals and you won't need to stress about other modes of transport. Just be sure you keep your wallet and other valuables safe while on the train, as pickpockets are not uncommon. Anybody who knows anything on France travel advice will give you this tip!

Become a Wine Connoisseur

Drinking wine in France might sound like a cliché, but it's very cheap. In fact, the wine is cheaper than water! You should keep your water intake up of course, but if you're going to drink, wine is the best way to go about it. Not only will you save money, you'll get to sample some of the delicious local drinks that France has to offer. Just be warned: some of the wine is very strong, so make sure you take your time!

Compliment Them

Compliment the French on their home, outfit, or food, they'll appreciate it. They might seem quite stony faced at first, but you can always soften a French person up with lots of nice compliments.

There are so many other travel tips you can use to have an amazing time, but these are some of the best. Everybody should visit France at least once in their lives, so don't miss out. Use the tips in this guide and you'll save money, eat well, and have fun. Nobody will know that you haven't been before! Thanks for reading!