Some Facts and Figures About WeChat From Reliable Global Sources

Posted on the 29 July 2014 by Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters
An article published in December 2013 on showed very clearly who is the overall winner in mobile messenger application. In fact the major drift in teenager's tendency from Facebook to WeChat in a big way became a serious concern for Facebook. Probably for the first time in last one decade Facebook has faced a major threat and competition. Teenagers among 30 countries were surveyed and following was the outcome when Q1 and Q3 of 2013 are compared:

Graph below, published on Statista shows a fabulous growth in WeChat subscribers which is phenomenal and the credit must go to the company Tencent Inc., China's largest Internet Service Company, that not only knows the nerve of youth but is able to foresee requirements beyond today. 

Top 10 most popular instant messaging  apps in the world by Xinhua and China Daily shows WeChat at number 3 and same is on Eastday in a report published in March 2014.

In a survey/article published in on "10 Most Popular Mobile Messaging Apps in the World" - WeChat is again on number three.