Some Examples of Female Rule and Matriarchy in the West

Posted on the 15 August 2015 by Calvinthedog

Beatrix writes:

I think all these arrests are more due to today’s litigious society than any nebulous ‘female rule’.

Female Rule isn’t nebulous. Female Rule occurs when Gender Feminists come into power and start implementing laws to privilege women and oppress men. Gender feminists use the legal system to create a Matriarchy and declare war on men. That’s all it is. What’s so nebulous about that.

I will provide below a number of examples of Female Rule in the West. What’s so nebulous about these examples?

Female Rule under Matriarchy:

  • Pedophile mass hysteria, the conflation of statutory rape and child molestation, and the extreme pathologization of teenage sexuality is a direct result of Female Rule. Even now feminists are persecuting many teenagers themselves for “selling and distributing child pornography.”
    Feminists put all those laws in and created the crazy Pedophile Mass Hysteria culture.
  • I do think the MADD went way too far in going after drunk drivers. I blame feminists for this too. They never used to throw the book at drunk driving like this. This is nuts. Feminists put all these wild new drunk driving penalties in.
  • “Guilty until proven innocent” for men in rape and date rape cases. This was put in by gender feminists.
  • Insane conflation of rape with normative sexuality to the point where Sweden, the most feminist country on Earth, now has the most insane rape laws on Earth where you can practically get arrested for looking at a woman.
  • Ridiculous sexual harassment laws which were originally sensible in going after quid pro quo – You fuck me or you’re fired. You want a raise or a promotion, you fuck me. However, gender feminists insanely conflated this with the incredibly nebulous “hostile workplace” nonsense. The hostile workplace standard really means nothing at all, or it means anything women say it means, which is the way women define most rules. These rules are now crazy that many people say all sexual relationships in the workplace are banned as harassment. There is no flirting in the workplace, there can be no sexual jokes or banter, and men are getting fired for looking at women or “making women uncomfortable.”
  • Gender feminists rewrote domestic violence laws in the 1990’s to extremely favor women and oppress men. Now a man must tolerate any provocation from a woman, no matter how extreme, the fighting words standard was thrown out and women are not even allowed to fight back against as woman when they are being attacked.
  • Gender feminists put in rules where you can be thrown out of your own house. Yes it is true. Suppose you own a house. Your girlfriend lives there with you. One day she provokes you or assaults you. You hit her back and of course you go to jail. Now she obtains a court order to ban you from living in your own home while she continues to reside in your home where she has no right to be without your consent. Can you throw her out? Nope. Where can you stay while a home invader commandeers your residence. Who knows? Who cares? How long can the woman live in your house without your approval? A long time. You long can you be banned from your own home? A long time.
  • Gender feminists changed society’s idea about “fighting words” and “fair fights.” Under the rule of men, these concepts were in place. If a man talked to another man in a certain manner, that was considered to be picking a fight or starting a fight. If a man picks a fight or starts a fight with you, you have a right to hit him. You can hit him in the face, preferably about one time. If he hits back, then you can defend yourself. As long as things do not escalate too much, this is called a fair fight. The female mindset says when two men are fighting, they are both wrong and they both need to be punished. Female Rule put new legal concepts in place whereby when a man fought another man, both of them would automatically go to jail.
  • Crazy child support laws were put in by gender feminists. Why on Earth is any woman entitled to $900,000/year child support just to raise her kids? Where is she raising them? In the King’s Palace. Where on Earth does it cost $900,000/year to raise two children. Nowhere. This woman does not deserve $900,000/year to raise children. She deserves a decent income and perhaps even the right to live well, but not $900,000/year. Surely no more than $50,000/year would be very fair.
  • Insane alimony laws were put into place. Why should a woman get one nickel of alimony after she divorces? You divorce, you’re not married to that man anymore. You’re not entitled to one cent of his income. You don’t live as well as you did when you were married? You should have thought of that before you filed for divorce. Why are you entitled to the same income you had when married, no matter how large? If you lived as a millionaire when married, why you are entitled to live as a millionaire for one day after the marriage is over.