Some Changes

By Tofuparty @KristlTofuParty

As you may know, I have a very big cookbook collection. And it keeps growing monthly, sometimes even weekly. Most of those books, are almost never opened anymore. And that’s a shame. So, I challenged myzelf. From now on, I use a number randomizer, and I start to count my books. The book with the winning number, is the next book I have to use.

With exception for special occasions, baking of when there is a new book in the hous.

Another thing, I’ll try to be more professional with the photo’s. Because I truly believe that good looking vegan food is an important part of vegan outreach.

And next, I changed the theme of this blog. You may have noticed already. Cooking from the books has become the most imported part of this blog. So, I made this page that will show all the cookbooks I use (this will keep on growing). For this I’ll have to make a post for every cookbook, as a kind of reference. I guess this blog is becoming more and more a kind of index of mostly vegan cookbooks.