Solo Sex and Why You Gotta Get a Load Of This

By Sophieanne139 @sophinaphalange

Posted by Sophie Westrope on April 16, 2013 · 2 Comments 

Thomas the Tank? Milking the cow? One-handed baseball? Call it what you will, you and Pamela Handerson need to schedule a date ASAP.

If you’re bashful about entering into the racy realms of your nearest sex shop then you’re in luck because you have your very own sex toy, which comes minus a hefty price tag or any need for a power source, attached to the end of your arm.

While it doesn’t come in an assortment of colours or sizes, it is portable and lacks that incriminating evidence factor many worry about. Your Mum won’t just happen to stumble across it in the shoebox under your bed and it won’t fall out of your bag at customs. If you and your hand aren’t already well acquainted, then honey, cut the small talk and head straight for the good stuff. What have you been waiting for?

Ladies, don’t be fooled. Don’t you dare screw up that pretty little button nose, because we all know that ‘wanking’ isn’t just for the lads – us girls need a little private one-on-one crotch action from time to time too.

While we’ll happily discuss the ins and outs (no pun intended) of our sex lives as part of a twosome, or threesome – whatever tickles your pickle or tingles your mingle – why are we all so damn coy about admitting we lock the door, tear off our pants and get busy with ourselves? And if you say you’ve ‘never’ done it, I’m calling you out on it, you filthy liar!

Your hand won’t need reassurance that it rocked your world and it won’t fall asleep immediately after