Sold! #Zazzle Notepads, Cases and Postcards Purchased Last Week #TY All! and #Enjoy

By Dotpattern @collectinghobby

Walt Whitman
You recently sold 1 copy of your product to Charlene in Montana: Walt Whitman "O CAPTAIN! my Captain!" 

Sold! #Zazzle notepads, cases and postcards purchased last week #TY all! and #Enjoy
You recently sold 1 copy of your product to Shannon in Illinois:  Victorian Visage and Vines border

Sold! #Zazzle notepads, cases and postcards purchased last week #TY all! and #Enjoy
You recently sold 1 copy of your product to Tran in Nantes, France!  Antique Italian border iPhone 5C cover

Tons of new products uploaded this week including wedding invitations and watches. Hoping you enjoy the designs and thank you for all your business in October and November.

Blue Lazurite Gemstone Wristwatches
Blue Lazurite Gemstone Wristwatches
Black Marble Slab Wrist Watches
Black Marble Slab Wrist Watches
Lapis Lazuli with Numbers Watch
Lapis Lazuli with Numbers Watch by patternedpillows
Check out other Wristwatches online at Zazzle

Florentine Arabesque Travel Accessories Bag

Florentine arabesque dry erase boards

Antique Arabesque Sleeves For iPads

Antique Arabesque iPhone 5 Case by patternedpillows
See more Zazzle iPhone 5C cases

Florentine arabesque dry erase boards
Try our other stores on Zazzle:
  Flowers and butterflies
  Walt Whitman portraits and quotations
  Cabinet of Victorian Curiosities
  Mythological Beasts and Rulers of the Planets
  The Mysterious World of Alchemy and Hermetic Arts