Soil Association Launches New Organic Served Here Award

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

Organic Served Here award

A new award for restaurants, cafes and eateries that use organic ingredients was launched in Scotland today.

Organic Served Here aims to provide chefs and restaurateurs with a way to promote their commitment to organic food, giving customers a reliable way to find establishments serving food made with certified ingredients.

Neil Forbes, Chef Director at Edinburgh’s Cafe St Honoré, the first restaurant holding the Organic Served Here three-star award (for serving 50 – 75% organic), said: “I feel very honoured to accept the UK’s first Soil Association Organic Served Here award. I strongly believe that everyone should have access to good food, and good food starts even before the seed is planted, with our soil quality determining the quality of the food we eat. This award encourages everyone who prepares and sells food to think about that quality. So let’s all grow, cook, eat and learn together, and be part of a future of better food for all.”

All restaurants that achieved the award are rigorously audited to ensure that they buy a set percentage of their food from certified organic producers. The higher the percentage of organic ingredients the award-holders commit to sourcing, the higher the number of Organic Served Here stars they hold (Five stars: 95 – 100%; Four stars: 75 – 95%; Three stars: 50 – 75%; Two stars: 25 – 50%; One star: 15 – 25%.)

A great idea for finding out quickly about the quality of produce from a venue.

To find out more about the award and how you can be part of it, visit