Soft spots. Tiny spring flowers.
The scent of harmony, inviting the seasons to merge.
Caressing the day lingering into the evening.
The stories of spring.
Soft spot.
Gathered old pieces from the brocante:
Tiny pieces of tattered quilt, a chipped cameo, a torn piece of hand written music.
Pieces of history stashed in the bottom of a truck, dare not to be thrown away.
Gave my hand a try at creating something.
Soft spot a spring poem, written over a hundred years ago.
Liliacs and cherries... "pearls for the home".
Still sings true.
Fading into spring.
Faded tones give way to color.
Blush of cheek.
Soft spots
Spring bath.
Roses from the garden sit above the bathtub.
What brings softness to your home?